GlobalSCAPE Secure FTP Server protects your mission-critical file transfers with 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Secure Shell and advanced S/key-password encryption. Use it with CuteFTP Pro for a complete, secure, file-transfer solution as well as a digital certificate-management system, allowing you to verify the identity of connecting users and allowing them to verify your identity.
Version 3.3 includes new Auditing and Reporting add-on module.
Main Features:
FTPS (FTP with Secure Socket Layer SSL)
Provide secure authentication, session, and data transfers using the industry standard SSL protocol. Support is provided for SSL/TLS including implicit connections over an IANA defined port (990). Full SSL certificate support is provided, including the ability to request certificates from authenticating clients.
Full Digital Certificate Management System
Create, sign, import, export and add digital certificates to a Trusted Certificate store. You can even have the certificates you create signed by a trusted Certificate Authority such as Verisign or Thawte.
Secure Server to Server Transfers (SSCN) Users can securely transfer files Between Secure FTP Servers or to/from 3rd party FTP servers over an SSL connection.
Block Site-to-Site (S2S or FXP) Transfers
Block S2S transfers, a potential security risk also known as port theft or FTP by proxy.
Restrict Access by IP Address
Grant or Deny Access to the server based on IP address in a highly configurable manner.
Strong SSL Keys
Create 1024,2048, or 4096 bit SSL keys for maximum security.
Event Rules
Define actions to occur when triggered by certain events. Using an Outlook 'Rules Wizard' like interface, configure precise trigger conditions for a corresponding event, such as execute a back-end process, send an e-mail notification, ban a user and much more.